Saturday, July 25, 2009

Baby Doll Diapers

We went for a visit to my parents' house a couple of weeks ago. The kids were able to spend some time with their cousins including the smallest ones which were 8 months old. Before the trip Ari didn't really play much with her dolls, but after spending time with real babies she wanted to play mommy with her babies. I had a sample newborn diaper that I let her use to pretend to change the doll's bum. I knew the diaper wouldn't last very long before it wouldn't work anymore, so I laid out a diaper and did a rough draft of a pattern to make a cloth diaper. It took a couple of tries and a few alterations before getting one that would fit right. Now Ari has several diapers to use and I have some to sell in my shop, KraftyMum's Specialties.

Even Baby Jasmine is sporting a Diaper!!!
Here's Ari hard at work!

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